Check out our 'WKI Magazine Entertainment' article #2 on:
Jamisin Matthews
Resident Evil Star / Martial Artist / Model
(click on the collage to view article)
Check out our 'WKI Magazine Entertainment' article #22 on:
Doug Dawson
'Skeezy' from Z Nation
(click on the collage to view article)
Tony Nunez had the honor of presenting
Mr James Hong with the
(click on the image to see more)
Kelly Haynes
World Kickboxing Champion MTGP British Title Holder
Supports Women Kickin' It & WKI
Tony Nunez Kickboxing
Goju Kickboxing is American Boxing with the powerful kicks and strikes of Japanese Karate; incorporating the self-defense standing joint locks and ground fighting of Japanese Jiu-Jitsu. No Kata or forms, straight to fighting techniques for real world self-defense and street combat.
Celebrity instructor, Tony Nunez, is a 10th degree Black Belt in Goju MMA and a Celebrity Bodyguard.
Tony Nunez has been teaching since 1997, when he opened his first dojo in Cupertino, Ca. Tony Nunez Women Kick'in it program has made hundreds of women into Black Belts and trained thousands of women in self-defense. Tony Nunez has provided self-defense seminars for major companies throughout California.
Amber Nunez has been teaching since 2009; is a 4th Degree BlackBelt in Goju KIckboxing and a Self-Defense expert. Amber is head instructor for the Kid's Kick'in It classes and assistant instructor for the Women Kick'in It classes.
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